Cat's Eye Nebula


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An image from the Hubble space telescope


" is by no means impossible that such phenomena exist and have existed for a long time. It is only recently that man has started observing the heavens constantly with highly developed instruments." Russian astronomer Basykin, of the Moscow Observatory, quoted in Swiss magazine (Zurich Woche) article, June 1961.


"There is scientific evidence that strange objects are circling our planet. It is lamentable that Governments have drawn a veil of secrecy around this matter." Professor Gabriel Alvial, astronomer at Cerro Calan Observatory - quoted by Reuters August 26, 1965.

Reverend Segundo Benito, of Argentina, an internationally recognized astronomer, issued a statement to the press in 1969 saying: "Unidentified flying objects do exist. They are craft manned by living beings from another world. These alien beings are currently studying the earth and its inhabitants. Sooner or later they will establish formal contact with mankind.'


Clyde Tombaugh, speaking with reference to his 1949 sighting, from an interview printed in Science Digest, August 1975: '..I was working at White Sands, and I knew we didn't have anything that could do that, so I reported it to the FBI and asked them not to make my report public... But it leaked out, and I have gotten thousands of crank letters since. I was accused of having hallucinations. I don't have hallucinations. I've actually seen two other strange phenomena since, but I didn't bother to report them. I don't want any more to do with it. It has become ridiculous. It is still a very open question. But I can't have my career or reputation damaged by any more association with the UFO question.'


"I've been stargazing since the age of six. I'm now 73 and in all that time I've not seen one UFO. Astronomers don't generally see UFOs. We leave that sort of thing to housewives and policemen." "Anyone who believes in UFOs must also believe in Father Christmas." Patrick Moore, 1996.


J.Allen Hynek polled forty-five fellow astronomers and discovered them all to be frightened of "jeopardizing their careers" by showing interest in UFOs.