On March 30, 1990, people all over the city of Brussels spotted a large black, triangular craft hovering silently over the city for several minutes. The craft was also witnessed by police officials who reported observing the object as it hovered over apartment buildings. According to one officer, the triangular craft released a red glowing disk of light from its center which flew down to the ground and darted around several buildings before disappearing. The unidentified craft eventually departed at high speed.
Two F-16s were scrambled by the Belgian Air Force to investigate the craft as soon as they spotted it on ground radar systems. The fighter pilots and radar operators reported that the object would dart away at over 1000 miles per hour every time they had a lock on it. The object finally vanished from their screens after nine confirmed target locks. These so-called "Big Black Deltas" have been seen all over the world, including the United States,in some cases having been capptured on video.
Petit Rechain took a photograph of the mysterious black triangle craft seen by many other over Belgium in 1990.